In Open Relationships, Are Women The Real Winners?

In Open Relationships, Are Women The Real Winners?


Alejandro* had a problem. After a year and a half of being in an open relationship with his girlfriend Ruth*, it was becoming increasingly apparent that their non-monogamous set up was benefiting her much more than it was benefiting him.

"My experience has been that the gender politics play in favor of women," Alejandro wrote in an email to HuffPost Love+Sex Podcast hosts Noah Michelson and Carina Kolodny. Intrigued by his dilemma, Michelson and Kolodny decided to delve into the world of open relationships for their latest podcast.

"For instance: I am out and about by myself, a cute girl sends me the signals, we hit it off, start making out and get to that moment where the invitation to go back to my place happens but before that I need to tell her that I am in a happy open relationship and she should simply know about it," Alejandro said. "At that point most girls will run the other way, or ask questions about my girlfriend to really know that it is OK, and that I am not trying to cheat, and ultimately not do it."

Along with Alejandro and Ruth, this episode of the HuffPost Love+Sex podcast features insights into open relationships from Professor of Human Sexuality Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, co-author of "The Ethical Slut", Dossie Easton and sex therapist Dr. Stephen Snyder.

If you want to download and/or listen to the podcast offline, head to iTunes or Stitcher.

This podcast was produced and edited by Katelyn Bogucki with additional production by Jorge Corona. Like Love + Sex? Subscribe, rate and review our podcast on iTunes. Have an idea for an episode? Find us on Twitter @HuffPostPodcast.

And if you have ever been in an open relationship, head here to give your feedback on your experiences.

(*Names have been changed)

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