Wedding Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Woodland Sola Flower Bouquet, Tan/Natural/ Brown Bridal Bouquet, Keepsake Bouquet,Handmade Bridal Bouquet

Wedding Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Woodland Sola Flower Bouquet, Tan/Natural/ Brown Bridal Bouquet, Keepsake Bouquet,Handmade Bridal Bouquet $ 125


This is one of a kind woodland, rustic Bridal Bouquet, this bouquet is 23" around the flower ball circumference. These bouquet features sola flowers in ivory and tan shades and cedar roses. The bouquet also feature white tallow berries, tan baby's breath, ivory preserved hydrangeas. The bouquet also has a detailed in brown cord and burlap. The bouquet was wrapped in burlap with ivory lace collar and I added some tan faux pearls to it. I can always custom make any detail and size that...


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