Wedding Bouquet, Sola wood Bouquet, Sola Lavender Bouquet, Alternative Bouquet, Sola flowers, Wood Boquet

Wedding Bouquet, Sola wood Bouquet, Sola Lavender Bouquet, Alternative Bouquet, Sola flowers, Wood Boquet $ 140


Wedding Bouquet, Sola wood Bouquet, Sola Lavender Purple Bouquet, Alternative Bouquet, Sola flowers, Wood Bouquet, This is a sample bouquet for a made to order large 9" diameter bouquet that features cream sola flowers with a mix of light to darker purple and lavander flowers. It includes gardenia, rose, chorki and shell flowers.I have included cream filler and dried green stem babys breath. I have wrapped the stems with ivory satin ribbon, with criss cross lavander sheer ribbon with...


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