Brooch Bouquet, Shabby Chic, Rose, Rose Quartz, Blush, Gold, Ivory, Vintage Wedding, Burlap Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Pearl Bouquet, Rustic

Brooch Bouquet, Shabby Chic, Rose, Rose Quartz, Blush, Gold, Ivory, Vintage Wedding, Burlap Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Pearl Bouquet, Rustic $ 300


***Ready To ship This is my newest brooch bouquet. This sparkly bouquet is a decadent combination of textures and soft tones. Lace, chiffon, satin, burlap, crystals, velvet and pearls are some of the materials utilized to create this unique shabby chic, vintage-inspired brooch bouquet. Soft rose, blush, ivory and gold tones can be admired in this pretty wedding bouquet. The underside of the bouquet has been finished in ivory chiffon and blush tulle. The stem has been wrapped in ivory satin....


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