Rustic Wedding Invitations, Burlap Invitations, Custom Country Wedding Invitations, Country Burlap Wedding Invitations, Rustic Invite

This invitation is a SAMPLE / PERSONALIZED SAMPLE (free shipping for samples) or for CUSTOM ORDERS* ---> Please, buy the Deposit option. Send me the following information: the bride and groom's names, the date and time of the ceremony, place, address, and rsvp date. I'll contact you in 24/36h with your first digital proof. 01 - 50 Invitations --- $5.25 / each* 51 - 75 Invitations --- $5.15 / each* 76 - 90 Invitations --- $5.10 / each* 91 - 100 or more --- $5 / each* *plus shipping...

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